Writings: Prose and Poems
Epistles – First Series
- Note
- II Panditji Maharaj
- IV Alasinga
- VIII Alasinga
- IX Sharat
- X Alasinga
- XI Alasinga
- XII Sister
- XIII Alasinga
- XIV Alasinga
- XV Kidi
- XVI Sister
- XVII Alasinga
- XVIII Alasinga
- XIX Vehemia
- XX Sister
- XXI Blessed and Beloved
- XXII Alasinga
- XXIII Kidi
- XXIV Blessed and Beloved
- XXV Alasinga
- XXVI Dharmapala
- XXVII Alasinga
- XXVIII Mrs. Bull
- XXIX G. G.
- XXX Alasinga
- XXXI Mrs. Ole Bull
- XXXII Sister
- XXXIII Alasinga
- XXXIV Sister
- XXXV Alasinga
- XXXVI Sister
- XXXVII Alasinga
- XXXIX Alasinga
- XL Alasinga
- XLI Friend
- XLII Kidi
- XLIII Alasinga
- XLIV Mrs. William Sturges
- I Fakir
- XLV Mother
- III Alasinga
- XLVI Friend
- XLVII Maharaja of Khetri
- XLVIII Friend
- IL Alasinga
- L Mrs. Bull
- LI Friend
- LIII Alasinga
- LIV Alasinga
- LV Alasinga
- LVI Sister
- LVII Blessed and Beloved
- LVIII Alasinga
- LIX Alasinga
- LX Alasinga
- LXI Dr. Nanjunda Rao
- LXII Dr. Nanjunda Rao
- LXIII Alasinga
- LXIV Alasinga
- LXV Blessed and Beloved
- LXVI Nanjunda Rao
- LXVII Alasinga
- LXVIII Alasinga
- LXIX Alasinga
- LXX Indian Mirror
- LXXI Alasinga
- LXXII Alasinga
- LXXIII Madam
- LXXIV Honoured Madam
- LXXV Doctor Shashi
- LXXVI Mr.—
- LXXVII Sarat Chandra
- LXXVIII Sister
- LXXIX Mother
- LXXX Joe
- LXXXI Jagmohanlal
- LXXXIII Your Highness
- LXXXIV Your Highness
- LXXXV Your Highness
- LXXXVI Your Highness
- LXXXVII Your Highness
- LXXXVIII Your Highness
- LXXXIX Mother
- XC Joe
- XCI Friend
- XCII —
- XCIII Shashi
- XCIV Mother
- XCV Sturdy
- XCVI Mother
- XCVII Shashi
- XCVIII Mother
- IC Joe
- C Joe
- CI Mother
- CII Swarup
- CIII Mary
- CIV Shashi
- CV Joe
- CVI Joe
- CVII Joe
- CVIII Mary
- CIX Christine
- CX Mary
- CXI Blessed and Beloved
- CXII Blessed and Beloved
- CXIV Swarup
- CXV Mrs. Ole Bull
- CXVI Sister Nivedita
- CXVII Rakhal
- CXVIII Rakhal
- CXIX Rakhal
- CXX Brahmananda
- CXXI Joe
- CXXIII Dhira Mata
- V Alasinga
- VI Haripada
- VII Friends
Jnana Yoga
- The Necessity of Religion
- The Real Nature of Man
- Maya and Illusion
- Maya and the Evolution of the Conception of God
- Maya and Freedom
- The Absolute and Manifestation
- God in Everything
- Realisation
- Unity in Diversity
- The Freedom of the Soul
- The Cosmos: The Macrocosm
- The Cosmos: The Microcosm
- Immortality
- The Atman
- The Atman: Its Bondage and Freedom
- The Real and the Apparent Man
Practical Vedanta and other lectures
- Practical Vedanta: Part I
- Practical Vedanta: Part II
- Practical Vedanta: Part III
- Practical Vedanta: Part IV
- The Way to the Realisation of a Universal Religion
- The Ideal of a Universal Religion
- The Open Secret
- The Way to Blessedness
- Yajnavalkya and Maitreyi
- Soul, Nature and God
- Cosmology
- A study of the Sankhya philosophy
- Sankhya and Vedanta
- The Goal
Notes of Class Talks and Lectures
- The Goal
- On Proof of Religion
- The Design Theory
- Spirit and Nature
- The Practice of Religion
- Fragmentary Notes on the Ramayana
- Concentration
- The Power of the Mind
- Lessons on Raja-Yoga
- Lessons on Bhakti-Yoga
- Mother-worship
- Narada-Bhakti-Sutras
- Religion and Science
- Religion is Realisation
- Religion is Self-abnegation
- Unselfish Work is True Renunciation
- Freedom of the Self
- Notes on Vedanta
- Hindu and Greek
- Thoughts on the Vedas and Upanishads
- On Raja-Yoga
- On Bhakti-Yoga
- On Jnana-Yoga
- The Reality and Shadow
- How to Become Free
- Soul and God
Reports in American Newspapers
- Note
- Divinity of Man
- Swami Vivekananda on India
- Religious Harmony
- From far off India
- An Evening with our Hindu Cousins
- The Manners and Customs of India
- The Religions of India
- Sects and Doctrines in India
- Less Doctrine and more Bread
- The Religion of Buddha
- All Religions are Good
- The Hindu way of life
- Ideals of Womanhood
- True Buddhism
- India’s Gift to the World
- Child Widows of India
- Some Customs of the Hindus
- Miracles
- An Indian Yogi in London
- India’s Mission
- India and England
- Indian Missionary’s Mission to England
- With the Swami Vivekananda at Madura
- The Missionary Work of The First Hindu Sannyasin to The West
- Reawakening of Hinduism on a National Basis
- On Indian Women — Their Past, Present and Future
- On The Bounds of Hinduism
Lectures and Discourses
- Meditation
- The Practice of Religion
- The Ramayana
- The Mahabharata
- Thoughts on the Gita
- The Story of Jada Bharata
- The Story of Prahlada
- The Great Teachers of the World
- On Lord Buddha
- Christ, the Messenger
- My Master
- Indian Religious Thought
- The Basis for Psychic or Spiritual Research
- On Art in India
- Is India a Benighted Country?
- The Claims of Religion
- Concentration
Writings: Prose
- Is the Soul Immortal?
- Reincarnation
- On Dr. Paul Deussen
- On Professor Max Müller
- Sketch of the Life of Pavhari Baba
- Aryans and Tamilians
- The Social Conference Address
- India’s Message to the World
- Stray Remarks on Theosophy
- Reply to the Address of the Maharaja of Khetri
- Reply to the Madras address
- A Message of Sympathy to a Friend
- What we Believe in
- Our Duty to the Masses
- Reply to the Calcutta Address
- To my Brave Boys
- A Plan of Work for India
- Fundamentals of Religion
Epistles – Second Series
- I Sir
- II Sir
- III Sir
- IV Sir
- V M
- VII Sir
- VIII Sir
- IX Sir
- X Sir
- XI Sir
- XII Sir
- XIII Sir
- XIV Sir
- XV Sir
- XVI Sir
- XVII Sir
- XIX Sir
- XX Sir
- XXI Sir
- XXII Sir
- XXIII Akhandananda
- XXIV Sir
- XXV Sir
- XXVI Sir
- XXVII Akhandananda
- XXVIII Akhandananda
- XXIX Sir
- XXX Kali
- XXXI Sir
- XXXIV Sharat
- XXXV Govinda Sahay
- XXXVI Govinda Sahay
- XXXVII Govinda Sahay
- XXXVIII Doctor
- XXXIX Mother
- XL Maharaja of Khetri
- XLI Shashi
- XLII Sir
- XLIII Sisters
- XLIV Sisters
- XLV Brothers
- XLVI Mother Sara
- XLVII Brother disciples
- XLVIII Mrs. Bull
- IL Swami Ramakrisnananda
- L Mrs. Bull
- LII Govinda Sahay
- LIII Govinda Sahay
- LIV Swami Ramakrishnanda
- LV Akhandananda
- LVI Dear and Beloved
- LVII Mrs. Bull
- LVIII Sarada
- LIX Sanyal
- LX Mrs. Bull
- LXI Mrs. Bull
- LXII Mrs. Bull
- LXIII Shashi
- LXIV Mrs. Bull
- LXV Mrs. Bull
- LXVI Mrs. Bull
- LXVII Mrs. Bull
- LXVIII Mrs. Bull
- LXIX Shashi
- LXX Alberta
- LXXI Rakhal
- LXXII Akhandananada
- LXXIII Brother Disciples
- LXXIV Rakhal
- LXXV Shashi
- LXXVI Rakhal
- LXXVII Shashi
- LXXVIII Rakhal
- LXXIX Mrs. Bull
- LXXX Mrs. Bull
- LXXXI Mother
- LXXXIII Rakhal
- LXXXIV Mrs. Bull
- LXXXV Akhandananda
- LXXXVI Mrs. Bull
- LXXXVII Alberta
- LXXXVIII Mrs. Bull
- LXXXIX Mrs. Bull
- XC Sister
- XCI Sarada
- XCII Yogen
- XCIII Mrs. Bull
- XCV Mrs. Bull
- XCVI Mrs. Bull
- XCVII Sarada
- XCVIII Mrs. Bull
- XCIX Mrs. Bull
- C Shashi
- CI Shashi
Para-Bhakti or Supreme Devotion
- The Preparatory Renunciation
- The Bhakta’s Renunciation Results from Love
- The Naturalness of Bhakti-Yoga and its Central Secret
- The Forms of Love — Manifestation
- Universal Love and How it Leads to Self Surrender
- The Higher Knowledge and the Higher Love are One to the True Lover
- The Triangle of Love
- The God of Love is His Own Proof
- Human Representations of the Divine Ideal of Love
- Conclusion
Notes from Lectures and Discourses
- On Karma-Yoga
- On Fanaticism
- Work is Worship
- Work Without Motive
- Sadhanas or Preparations for Higher Life
- The Cosmos and The Self
- Who is A Real Guru?
- On Art
- On Language
- The Sannyasin
- The Sannyasin and The Householder
- The Evils of Adhikarivada
- On Bhakti-Yoga
- Ishvara and Brahman
- On Jnana-Yoga
- The Cause of Illusion
- Evolution
- Buddhism and Vedanta
- On The Vedanta Philosophy
- Law and Freedom
- The Goal and Methods of Realisation
- World-Wide Unity
- The aim of Raja-Yoga
Lectures and Discourses
- Soul, God and Religion
- The Hindu Religion
- What is Religion?
- Vedic Religious Ideals
- The Vedanta Philosophy
- Reason and Religion
- Vedanta as a Factor in Civilisation
- The Spirit and Influence of Vedanta
- Steps of Hindu Philosophic Thought
- Steps to Realisation
- Vedanta and Privilege
- Privilege
- Krishna
- Gita I
- Gita II
- Gita III
- Mohammed
- Vilvamangala
- The Soul and God
- Breathing
- Practical Religion: Breathing and Meditation
Lectures from Colombo to Almora
- First Public Lecture in the East
- Vedantism
- Reply to the Address of Welcome at Pamban
- Address at the Rameswaram Temple on Real Worship
- Reply to the Address of Welcome at Ramnad
- Reply to the Address of Welcome at Paramakudi
- Reply to the Address of Welcome at Shivaganga and Manamadura
- Reply to the Address of Welcome at Madura
- The Mission of the Vedanta
- Reply to the Address of Welcome at Madras
- My Plan of Campaign
- Vedanta in its Application to Indian Life
- The Work before us
- The Future of India
- On Charity
- Address of Welcome Presented at Calcutta and Reply
- The Vedanta in all its phases
- Address of Welcome at Almora and Reply
- Vedic Teaching in Theory and Practice
- Bhakti
- The Common Bases of Hinduism
- Bhakti
- The Vedanta
- Vedantism
- The Influence of Indian Spiritual Thought in England
- Sannyasa: Its Ideal and Practice
- What have I learnt?
- The Religion we are born in
Reports in American Newspapers
- India: Her Religion and Customs
- Hindus at the Fair
- At the Parliament of Religions
- Personal Traits
- Reincarnation
- Hindu Civilisation
- An Interesting Lecture
- The Hindoo Religion
- The Hindoo Monk
- Plea for Tolerance
- Manners and Customs in India
- Hindoo Philosophy
- Miracles
- The Divinity of Man
- The Love of God
- The Women of India
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